Shakyamuni Buddha


Shakyamuni Buddha

Buddha Shakyamuni is the historical Buddha, also known as Siddhartha Gautama.
He is sitting in full concentration in the vajra posture, the meditative posture with crossed legs.
He is dressed in the robes of a monk, holding the offering bowl in his left hand and touching the earth with his right hand, indicating that the very earth is witnessing his experience of having defeated all delusions and attained enlightenment after weeks of deep concentration under a fig tree in Bodh Gaya.
The Buddha, after enlightenment decided to spread his doctrine and reached Sarnath where he gave the first teachings, the setting in motion of the Dharma wheel, illustrating the Eightfold Path and the Four Noble Truths.
Three revolutions of the Dharma wheel are mentioned in all, indicating from the first further levels of teaching.
Through meditation he grasped knowledge, achieved liberation from ordinary suffering and overcame all obstacles, fully realizing the enlightened nature, which is always present, even in each of us.


Original size: approximately 40.5 cm x 48.5 cm
Technique: mineral and natural pigments, 23 kt gold on cotton
Completed: february 2022

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