Double Vajra


Double Vajra

The Vajra – Dorje in Tibetan – means both lightning and diamond.

In fact, in the Hindu tradition, the vajra represents the natural phenomenon of lightning.
It is held by Indra, the King of the Gods, as a weapon.
As a weapon it expresses a strength and has the quality that it must be handled with awareness and cannot be used inappropriately. The vajra also represents indestructibility.
From this symbology, in Buddhism the vajra is therefore a symbol of the nature of the real and is identified with the concept of emptiness. It is the very nature of illumination as lightning and indestructible as diamond.

In its double form represented here, of two vajras arranged in a cross, it also indicates a principle of absolute stability and is used as a symbol to promote concentration and meditation.
It represents the state of illumination.

Original size: about 43 cm x 43 cm
Technique: gouache on paper
Completed: April 2016

The original Thangka is for sale.



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