

Since I started the path on thangka painting I have drawn the Buddha many times, even just his face.

So many times that I lost to count…!

At the beginning, after drawing him a few times, I thought I had “learned” and there was a phase in which it seemed useless to draw him again, but I did it anyway.

Then, some time later, I found myself again in front of those proportions: the white sheet, squares, pencil, eraser, everything ready and I drew again the face, the body … the Buddha.

I understood the difficulty. The image of the Buddha has such clear, clean and essential strokes that it is really difficult to render them in a pure way.

The value of repetition was already clear to me, but I can add that there is no end to the level of depth that can be reached from the same action, only apparently simple and already understood.

So it needs of learning new things, a necessary step to proceed along the path, and it needs of repeating the basics, a necessary step to go deep into the experience!


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