



Reproductions of the original Thangka.

Available online in  A3+ and A2 format, on paper, Hahnemuhle cotton paper and canvas with possible finishing with traditional brocade frame.

SKU 001



Reproductions of this Thangka are available online in A3+ and A2 formats. For other formats you can contact me directly. The size is intended to be that of the standard sheet size within which the work will be adapted to maintain proper proportions.

The print defined Giclèe is an art printing technique realized in an individual and high definition way. It is printed on highly professional inkjet machines that have nothing to do with ordinary printers. The Giclée printing technique uses special, high quality inks and is able to reproduce the entire tonal range. The resulting colors are brilliant and intense.

The term Giclée Fine Art means that, in addition to the printing process, the substrate used for printing, in this case 100% cotton paper and the quality of the canvas, contribute to an excellent printing performance.

In the art world, this type of Fine Art prints are exhibited and purchased by museums, galleries and collectors.

The original Thangka has a size of about 47 cm x 61.5 cm.

It was made with natural pigments obtained mostly manually from minerals.

The canvas was prepared from a cotton fabric according to the traditional process.

Once finished, the work was photographed and the file worked with accuracy to make the color tones conform to the original ones.

If you are interested in purchasing the original Thangka or you want to commission this subject you can contact me by filling out the form on the Contact page.

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Scegli il tipo di formato

A3+ Giclée Fine Art print on 100% cotton paper 320 gr, A3+ Giclée Fine Art print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 gr, A3+ Giclée Fine Art print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 gr with certificate of authenticity (cm 33 x 48 approx.), A2 Giclée Fine Art print on 100% cotton paper 320 gr, A2 Giclée Fine Art print on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 gr, print A2 Giclée Fine Art on Hahnemuhle Photo Rag 308 gr with certificate of authenticity (approx. 42 x 60 cm), print A3+ Giclée Fine Art on canvas (approx. 33 x 48 cm), print A3+ Giclée Fine Art on canvas finished with brocade frame, print A2 (approx. 42 x 60 cm) Giclée Fine Art on canvas

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